We met in Whistler while working in a kennel with 170 working dogs- mostly rescue dogs from all over Canada and the United States. Working with dogs has always been a passion for the both of us. For Ben, working with dogs has been a full time career in Canada for many years already. Siana began her journey with her first gig as a dog walker at the age of 12, a bunch of personal rescue dogs, as well as working with rescue and foster dogs in Indonesia, before finally making a step and turning her passion into her full time career.

Supporting people in their desire to give their dogs the best life possible soon became our mission. There is nothing more beautiful than seeing a happy, relaxed, and well balanced dog, that previously has been struggling. Over the years, we have met many people that needed support, but could not find a trainer that was invested enough to help finding a solution in order to help more challenging dogs, and all too many times did we hear from people that did not know what to do and even had to surrender their dogs.

Whatever support you and your dog need, get in touch with us to see how we can help. Working with dogs is our calling and our whole live evolves around dogs- so yours doesn’t have to. We are here to support you and your dog to live your best life.

Meet the Team.



Ben is a walking encyclopaedia when it comes to dogs. He absorbs any information about dogs like a sponge, can watch documentaries and videos about dogs for hours, and loves sharing this vast pool of knowledge around dog training, dog behaviour, dog breeds and one of his favourite topics: RAW diet. Ben has a passion for supporting rescue and shelter dogs, and finding not just a home for them, but finding just the perfect match for them. In his time working in the kennel, he helped many dogs and humans find their match made in heaven. Ben has worked with dogs full time for many years and takes a special liking to the dogs in the pack, that have a hard time calming down, the rowdys, the misfits, and the shy ones. In the words of a dear friend: “It’s almost like Ben doesn’t just understand dogs, he almost seems to be one of them.”



Siana’s passion is helping dogs to be relaxed in any kind of scenario, so they can fully enjoy working with their humans. Understanding dogs that show reactivity and aggression have taken a special place in Siana’s heart and she applies her knowledge and experience in training dogs in a well balanced mixture of structure, patience, and understanding for what they are going through. Siana had her first rough training call when she took in a reactive 2 year old Rottweiler from a shelter around 20 years ago, and invested 2 years of intense training to help her become relaxed enough to be a reliable family dog, before she got adopted by a wonderful couple. She understands the frustration of having to deal with a tough training case, and having heard from trainers over and over again, that she should just give up on the dog ignited the fire in her, to never be the person that gives up on a dog.


Meet our Canine Team

We as humans/trainers, and our company, wouldn’t be the same without our (helper) dogs. As a matter of fact, our company was named after our two OG’s, Kayloo and Omen (KO K-9 Adventures)

Sadly Kayloo and Omen have crossed the bridge early 2024 due to old age and age related health issues. Not a day goes by that we are not hurting and missing them. Over the years they have helped us with countless dogs, supporting their reactivity training, being emotional support dogs to very nervous and fearful dogs, as well as being teacher dogs in socialisation sessions. No dog will be able to replace these two, our very own two-in-a-million dogs

The rest of our young Canine Team is made up of: Chip (Belgian Malinois), Nox (Wolf x GSD x Malamute), Anarchy (Black Working Line GSD), Bruce (Sable Working Line GSD)