About KO K-9

We provide effective training solutions for owners and their dogs, using training methods based on the studies of canine cognition and neuroscience. We are approaching all issues with kindness towards dogs and humans, understanding, and setting up a support system that will help you achieve your training goals with your dog.

We are striving to deliver methods and techniques that are easy to follow and understand while helping the humans understand what drives their dogs, how they learn and think, and to better understand their body language.

Scroll further to learn more about our training approach and our training structure, our training offer as well as Education and FAQ’s

More about our training

Putting the dogs’ holistic needs first is the foundation of our success. Whenever a dog is not acting the way we expect them to, we need to ask ourselves if what we ask of the dog is something that we have taught them properly, if it something they are capable of doing, physically, mentally and emotionally, in the setting we ask them to do it, and if we have communicated with them in a way, that they undoubtedly understand.

Dog Training and Behaviour Modification should always include an assessment of your dog’s health, diet, sleep, and biological fulfilment. We live in a fast paced, highly developed world, and it can be a struggle for our dogs to adapt to the human world that we have chosen for them. The more we understand and provide for our dog’s needs, the better our chances of achieving

Our goal is to help owners and their dogs to enjoy the adventure that life is supposed to be. Helping human/canine families to live a harmonious life full of mutual understanding and respect, at home and on walks. We are supporting you to become a confident and skilled dog leader, as well as helping your dog to be the most reliable and fun adventure companion your dog could possibly be


We are committed to staying up to date on the most recent developments in training methods and animal behaviour studies (Find some of our most recent Certifications below)

From Shadow Programs to Workshops, Seminars to Apprenticeships: We are undergoing multiple avenues through some of the best trainers in the world to continuously further our knowledge to always provide you and your dog with the best training approaches and solutions


Get coaching for you and your dog from a professional trainer in your home. Have your dog assessed properly to tackle your dog’s training from the right angle to get the most effective and sustainable results.


Tackle rough issues by letting one of our professional trainer work with your dog one-on-one. We will work with your dog in the areas where your dog struggles the most (parks / high traffic areas / shops etc.) as well as around their various triggers.

PACK WALKS (for existing clients only)

We are offering outdoor Pack Walks for all our existing clients that are ready to take their private training to the next level. Our Pack Walks offer you the opportunity to practise under our guidance, around more distractions / other people / other dogs that are all very patient and understanding, as they are in the same boat as you. This is perfect for your continuous training and maintenance phase.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do you offer Service Dog Training?

A: No we don’t offer Service Dog Training. Training a Service Dog is a very time consuming project and we are not set up to offer services like this. Raising and training a Service Dog is a commitment of usually up to 2 years. If you are interested in acquiring a Service Dog or require information about service dog training as well as support selecting a breeder and the right puppy, we recommend finding a trainer that is specialised in Service Dogs

Q: Do you offer Group Classes?

A: Yes. All our available Group Classes are available in our booking system. All classes are available to the public. Only exception: Our Pack Walks. These are accessible to existing clients that had their initial assessment as well as worked with us on leash handling outside only

Q: Why are the Pack Walks for existing clients only?

A: Our Pack Walks are our additional support to all our existing clients that need to practise regularly with their anxious, fearful, reactive, and sometimes aggressive dogs. We are providing a safe and controlled environment. Everyone in the group is very supportive and understands how we train. Because we know every dog, every owner, and we know where everyone is in their training journey, we can support everyone best. And because all dogs know us and trust us through the relationship we have built with them, we can safely support you and your dog by handling your dog directly if needed. It is important to us, that everyone in the group agrees with and is familiar with how we train and handle dogs, so we are all on the same page during the exercises

Q: Do you offer Puppy Training?

A: Yes, we do work with you and your puppy. Our concept might differ a bit from what you are used from other trainers though. In 90 minutes, we cover everything you need to understand about the different stages puppies go through until they reach adulthood. We explain the concept of learning and how you can teach your puppy basically everything, how and when to start introducing leash work, how to socialise them and what to avoid, how to be successful with crate training and potty training, how to avoid fuelling issues like separation related issues and resource guarding and any other questions you might have. We understand that raising puppies is a big thing and we are here for anyone that wants to start their puppies life right

Q: Do you offer online classes?

A: We are currently recording online classes that will be available on our website soon!

  • Puppy Kickstarter

  • Obedience

  • Understanding Reactivity

  • How to select your new dog

  • Bringing home a new dog

Q: I really need help with training, but I currently can’t afford your rates. What can I do?

A: We are always happy to help finding solutions if you are in dire need of help with your dog’s training. We’ve all been in situations where resources were short, we understand. If you are serious about tackling your dog’s issues and ready to commit to training, but just can not afford it, feel free to reach out to us. We are always in need of helping hands around here and are willing to look into the option an energy exchange. However, this will come with a regular commitment to the energy exchange, as well as the training so we can make sure that the you are serious about changing your and your dog’s life and we are not wasting our time